用實物裝飾牆壁 Jazzing up Walls with Artefacts
用實物裝飾牆壁,如同在策展一個「人生閱歷畫廊」,每件藝術品都蘊含獨特故事。本文介紹四個意念。 Jazzing up walls with artefacts is like curating a "Life Experience Gallery." Each piece tells a unique story. This article displays four different ideas.
港式美食、蒜頭出芽、裝飾牆壁 Hong Kong Food, Garlic Seedlings & Wall Art
今期的DIY項目:港式雜果沙律、自製鹹肉、葱油拌麵、重髹發霉的天花、蒜頭發芽、專業植物剪刀、用實物裝飾家居牆壁 DIY projects in this issue: Hong Kong-style Mixed Fruit Salad, Homemade Cure Pork, Spring Onion Oil Noodle, Painting Bathroom Ceiling, Garlic Sprouting, Premium Brand Secateurs, Decorating Walls with Artefacts
浸發魚肚、落葉堆肥、暖毛毯保溫 Fish Maw, Leaf Mold & Over-blanket
今期的DIY項目:冬菇炆魚肚、魚肚雞扎、Tuna Ceviche食譜、用落葉製作堆肥、採收莧菜種子、收成唐蒿、用Pink Stuff擦亮平底鑊、用Over-blanket代替開暖氣。 DIY projects in this issue: Tuna Ceviche recipe, Braised Fish Maw with Shiitake Mushrooms, Chicken Wrap with Fish Maw, making leaf mold, saving Amaranth seeds, harvesting Tong Ho, polishing a pan with Pink Stuff, and using an…
種蒜心、買牛柏葉、靚靚擺盤 Garlic Growing, Omasum, Serving Board
今期的DIY項目:一個令普通食物看來很高級的擺盤方法、一種好用的牆壁放潮貼、日式五行湯鍋、比較三種菜心種子的生長結果、種植蒜心、在肉店買牛柏葉,和用雞殼做湯 DIY projects in this issue: serving ordinary food elegantly, a Japanese hotpot employing the concept of five elements, a good material for protecting the wall from mold, the result of an experiment of growing Choi Sum, growing hardneck garlics…