種植 gardening
舊廚具升級再造 Upcycling Old Pots and Pans
總不想隨便拋棄物件嗎?將保留下來的舊煲、舊鍋,都拿到花園進行升級再造吧! Don't like throwing away old pots and pans? Take them to the garden for upcycling!
我的菜園三月在種什麼?What Am I Growing in My Vegetable Garden in March?
三月帶來溫和的天氣,我的菜園開始蓬勃生長,每一株植物都孕育著堅韌,期盼豐收。 March brings mild weather, and my vegetable garden begins to thrive. Each plant nurtures resilience, anticipating a bountiful harvest.
辨認新屋的花草樹木 Identifying Plants in A New House
一個有用的app,用作辨認花園的植物。An app useful for identifying plants.
種植唐蒿 Growing Garland Chrysanthemum
從去年8種植至今年六月的唐蒿菜,既好吃又好看。The Garland Chrysanthemum I planted since August until June this year is both delicious and pretty.
從巴士站到慈善店的車厘茄苗 From Bus Stop to Charity Shop: Cherry Tomato Seedlings
我只種植一株車厘茄。去年我將多餘的蕃茄苗放在巴士站,一下子就被人領完!今年我將蕃茄苗送給慈善店,很受歡迎!一舉三得! I only grow one cherry tomato plant in my garden. Last year, I placed surplus seedlings at a bus stop, and they were quickly taken! This year, I donated tomato seedlings to a charity shop, and they were well-received!…
舊物件變身花盆Repurposed Plant Pots
喜歡把家居物品用來做花盆,既省錢又能把資源循環再用。 I love repurposing household items as plant pots. It saves money and allows for the reuse of resources