升級再造 upcycling
用卡板製作種植架 Making Pallet Planters
用卡板製作種植架,讓花園更美觀,擴大了種植空間,更善用陽光充沛的位置。 Crafting a palette planter elevates my garden's beauty while expanding planting area optimising the sunny areas.
舊廚具升級再造 Upcycling Old Pots and Pans
總不想隨便拋棄物件嗎?將保留下來的舊煲、舊鍋,都拿到花園進行升級再造吧! Don't like throwing away old pots and pans? Take them to the garden for upcycling!
貓咪手作 Purr-fectly Crafty
這裏介紹幾個我喜歡的貓咪DIY項目,它們不僅滿足了貓咪的需要,還充分利用了舊物,將它們轉化成賞心悅目的創作品。 Here I share some of my favourite DIY projects for cats that not only cater to their needs but also make use of old items, turning them into delightful creations.
修補鑊蓋 Reviving the Lid of a Wok
鑊蓋破爛了,自己動手修補,既環保,又省錢,而且很有滿足感,一舉數得! Repairing a broken wok cover myself is not just good for the environment and my wallet but also gives me that extra dose of satisfaction - killing three birds with one stone!
橙的三個妙用 Three Fantastic Uses of Oranges
買了的橙不好吃,甚至變乾了,先不要丟掉,看看它還有什麼用途?Think twice before you throw away oranges if they taste bad or even turn dry.
舊物件變身花盆Repurposed Plant Pots
喜歡把家居物品用來做花盆,既省錢又能把資源循環再用。 I love repurposing household items as plant pots. It saves money and allows for the reuse of resources