木工 woodwork
第一次造書櫃 I Made My First Bookshelf
為老公度身訂造了一個書櫃。這個過程讓我學習了很多東西,感到十分興奮!整個項目不但滿足了我對DIY的興趣,更充滿意義、滿載個人情感。 Building a custom bookshelf for my husband, I went through an exciting learning experience, blending my passion for DIY with a meaningful, personal touch.
用卡板製作種植架 Making Pallet Planters
用卡板製作種植架,讓花園更美觀,擴大了種植空間,更善用陽光充沛的位置。 Crafting a palette planter elevates my garden's beauty while expanding planting area optimising the sunny areas.
DIY 賀壽 DIY Birthday Treats
作為一個「多功能老婆」,老公生日是我好好發揮DIY技能之時! As a ‘multi-functional wife’, my husband’s birthday is the perfect occasion for me to put my DIY skills to good use!
修補鑊蓋 Reviving the Lid of a Wok
鑊蓋破爛了,自己動手修補,既環保,又省錢,而且很有滿足感,一舉數得! Repairing a broken wok cover myself is not just good for the environment and my wallet but also gives me that extra dose of satisfaction - killing three birds with one stone!
我的木工室 My Carpentry Workshop
我把 100 平方呎、黝暗的儲物室,增加了照明、工作枱、儲物架和膠地板,改造成我夢想的木工室。 I transformed a dark 100 sq ft storage room into my dream workshop, adding lighting, a workbench, storage and flooring.
補牆的故事 A Tale of Wall Repair
一個週末木工項目,不但實用,更讓我感激家族的傳統。 A weekend project turned into a rewarding journey of craftsmanship and gratitude for family traditions.