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椰絲球食譜 Coconut Macaroon Recipe



  • 椰絲:85g
  • 蛋白:1隻
  • 砂糖:2湯匙
  • 雲尼拿香精:1茶匙
  • :1/4茶匙鹽
  • 朱古力:50g(煮溶)


  1. 蛋白打至企身。加入砂糖、鹽、雲尼拿香精,再打至企身。
  2. 輕輕拌進椰絲。
  3. 焗盤上放牛油紙,把混合物分成約一茶羹大小的小份,放在焗盤上。
  4. 放入預熱至180°C的焗爐內,焗10-15分鐘至金黃色。
  5. 將朱古力融化後,把焗好的椰絲球蘸上朱古力醬,再放回牛油紙上,待朱古力凝固後即完成。

One Christmas, I had a sudden inspiration to use bits and pieces of ingredients from my pantry to create these delicious Coconut Macaroons, and gave them to my friends as gifts. With simple ingredients and an easy recipe, these treats not only brought a festive vibe but also warmed the hearts of everyone who received them.

Ingredients (makes approximately 20)

  • Desiccated Coconut: 85g
  • Egg White: 1
  • Sugar: 2 Tbsp
  • Vanilla Extract: 1 tsp
  • Salt: 1/4 tsp
  • Melted Chocolate: 50g


  1. Beat the egg white until stiff peaks form. Add sugar, salt and vanilla extract, and continue beating until stiff peaks form again.
  2. Gently fold in the Desiccated Coconut.
  3. Line a baking tray with baking paper. Divide the mixture into small portions (about 1 teaspoon each) and place them on the tray.
  4. Bake in a preheated oven at 180°C for 10–15 minutes, until golden.
  5. Dip the bottom of each baked macaroon into melted chocolate. Place them back on the baking paper and let the chocolate set