旅行貓居必備 Travel Essentials for a Cat
帶貓旅行只要準備充分就能很愉快。帶備她的必需品,可以幫助她適應新環境,感到安全和快樂,與我們一起盡情享受假期。 Traveling with a cat can be enjoyable if well-prepared. Bringing her essentials helps her adapt to new environments during a trip, feeling secure and happy, enjoying every moment of the holiday with us.
幫主人維修貓樹 Repairing My Boss’s Scratch Posts
忠誠的貓奴用DIY技巧修復磨損的貓抓柱,主子感到滿意。 A devoted cat owner using DIY skills to repair her cat's scratch posts, ensuring her 'boss' remains satisfied.
貓咪手作 Purr-fectly Crafty
這裏介紹幾個我喜歡的貓咪DIY項目,它們不僅滿足了貓咪的需要,還充分利用了舊物,將它們轉化成賞心悅目的創作品。 Here I share some of my favourite DIY projects for cats that not only cater to their needs but also make use of old items, turning them into delightful creations.