魚肚美味無窮 The Endless Delight of Fish Maw
朋友在香港帶來魚肚給我做禮物,我用來做了不同菜色,在聚會中跟其他移英港人朋友分甘同味,或自己跟老公獨享。 A friend brought me some dried fish maw as a gift from Hong Kong. I used it to make various dishes, sharing them with other Hong Kong friends at gatherings, or just cozying up with my husband over a…
八寶鴨食譜 Eight Treasures Duck Recipe
在英國製作即使在香港都很少吃得到的八寶鴨。 Making Eight Treasure Duck in the UK, a dish seldom found even in Hong Kong.
DIY 賀壽 DIY Birthday Treats
作為一個「多功能老婆」,老公生日是我好好發揮DIY技能之時! As a ‘multi-functional wife’, my husband’s birthday is the perfect occasion for me to put my DIY skills to good use!
環保創意DIY生活 Creative Eco-Friendly Living
今期的DIY項目:春日撒種、廚具變身園藝器具、生菜再生、川椒雞配羽衣甘藍脆片、生日蘋果玫瑰、再生紙箱儲物。 DIY projects in this issue: Spring Sowing, From Cookware to Gardenware, Lettuce Regrow Hack, Sichuan Pepper Chicken with Kale Crisps, Simplified Turnip Cakes, Apple Rose for Birthday, Upcycled Cardboard Storage
初春創意生活 Creative Living in Early Spring
今期的DIY項目:揮春展覽、賀年糕點、菜苗回春、豆苗播種、裝修平面圖、瓷磚壓力測試、防滴水節水嘴。 DIY projects in this issue: Spring Couples Exhibition, Cakes for Lunar New Year, Vegetable Sprouts Springing Up, Sowing Pea Shoots, Changeable Floor Plan, Tile Test, An Aerator for Drip Prevention.
冬至、聖誕美食和其他 Festive Delicacies and Others
今期的DIY項目:菜膽雞創意伴碟、八寶鴨、聖誕燒雞、意大利聖誕麵包、紅酒煮梨、絕版好用抹窗布、採收青蘿蔔種子 DIY projects in this issue: Creative Presentation of Steamed Chicken, Eight Treasure Duck, Christmas Roast Chicken Delight, Homemade Panettone, Poached Pear in Mulled Wine, Farewell to a Window Cleaning Gem, Harvesting Green Turnip Seeds