• 烹飪 cooking,  網誌 Blog

    魚肚美味無窮 The Endless Delight of Fish Maw

    朋友在香港帶來魚肚給我做禮物,我用來做了不同菜色,在聚會中跟其他移英港人朋友分甘同味,或自己跟老公獨享。 A friend brought me some dried fish maw as a gift from Hong Kong. I used it to make various dishes, sharing them with other Hong Kong friends at gatherings, or just cozying up with my husband over a…

  • 陳師傅DIY手記 My DIY Chronicle

    環保創意DIY生活 Creative Eco-Friendly Living

    今期的DIY項目:春日撒種、廚具變身園藝器具、生菜再生、川椒雞配羽衣甘藍脆片、生日蘋果玫瑰、再生紙箱儲物。 DIY projects in this issue: Spring Sowing, From Cookware to Gardenware, Lettuce Regrow Hack, Sichuan Pepper Chicken with Kale Crisps, Simplified Turnip Cakes, Apple Rose for Birthday, Upcycled Cardboard Storage

  • 陳師傅DIY手記 My DIY Chronicle

    初春創意生活 Creative Living in Early Spring

    今期的DIY項目:揮春展覽、賀年糕點、菜苗回春、豆苗播種、裝修平面圖、瓷磚壓力測試、防滴水節水嘴。 DIY projects in this issue: Spring Couples Exhibition, Cakes for Lunar New Year, Vegetable Sprouts Springing Up, Sowing Pea Shoots, Changeable Floor Plan, Tile Test, An Aerator for Drip Prevention.

  • 陳師傅DIY手記 My DIY Chronicle

    冬至、聖誕美食和其他 Festive Delicacies and Others

    今期的DIY項目:菜膽雞創意伴碟、八寶鴨、聖誕燒雞、意大利聖誕麵包、紅酒煮梨、絕版好用抹窗布、採收青蘿蔔種子 DIY projects in this issue: Creative Presentation of Steamed Chicken, Eight Treasure Duck, Christmas Roast Chicken Delight, Homemade Panettone, Poached Pear in Mulled Wine, Farewell to a Window Cleaning Gem, Harvesting Green Turnip Seeds