椰絲球食譜 Coconut Macaroon Recipe
一款簡單的椰絲球食譜,適合作為節日小禮物。 A simple recipe for Coconut Macaroons. Perfect as festive gifts.
我的紅酒煮梨食譜 My Poached Pear Recipe
用話梅炮製的紅酒煮梨。 My recipe of Poached Pears using Chinese style preserved sour plum as ingredient.
那些曾經垂手可得的美食 Delicacies that were Once Easily Available
為了品嚐難以在英國購買、我懷念的香港小吃,我親自做這些美食。最近的嘗試包括瑞士卷、豆腐花、素鴨和酸齋,有些效果不錯,有些尚待改善。 To enjoy the Hong Kong snacks I miss, I now make them myself in the UK. Recent attempts include Swiss Roll, Tofu Pudding, Beancurd Roll, and Sweet & Sour Wheat Gluten, with mixed results.
煮好多嘢、洗碗碟機沖涼、唔會唔見筆 Many Cooking Ideas, Dishwasher Cleaning, Pencil Holder
今期的DIY項目:冬菇滑雞粥、薑蓉配沙律、梳乎厘、用英國材料做中湯,善用麵碎來做湯、在筆記簿上附上筆套,清潔洗碗碟機 DIY projects in this issue: Making Shiitake Mushroom and Chicken Congee, Ginger Scallion Salad Dressing, Souffle, Chinese soups using UK ingredients, Making Soup with Broken Noodles, Attaching pen holders to notebooks, Cleaning the the dishwasher
橙的三個妙用 Three Fantastic Uses of Oranges
買了的橙不好吃,甚至變乾了,先不要丟掉,看看它還有什麼用途?Think twice before you throw away oranges if they taste bad or even turn dry.
多年前在英國認識了trifle這美味甜品,回港只在Marks & Spencer見過。然後我嘗試自己做,配搭出更合心意的食譜。……