Making Black Olive Bread
My husband and I both love olives so we make this olive bread from time to time.
多年前在英國認識了trifle這美味甜品,回港只在Marks & Spencer見過。然後我嘗試自己做,配搭出更合心意的食譜。……
烹飪 Cooking
烹飪能為我紓解壓力。我的丈夫說:「好一個利他的減壓方式啊!」本頁分享我的烹飪項目,包括菜單規劃意念、我喜愛的食譜,以及可持續煮食法,提供減少食物浪費、充分運用食材的貼士。 I cook to unwind. “An altruistic way of stress relief,” my husband says. On this page, I share my cooking projects including meal planning ideas, my favourite recipes, and sustainable practices with tips on minimising food waste and maximising…
My Favourite Tiramisu Recipe (with Irish cream liqueur)
I've tried a few Tiramisu recipes before and I like this one best. I used to use Baileys in the ingredients but since moving to the UK I found a good alternative...