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用卡板製作種植架 Making Pallet Planters
用卡板製作種植架,讓花園更美觀,擴大了種植空間,更善用陽光充沛的位置。 Crafting a palette planter elevates my garden's beauty while expanding planting area optimising the sunny areas.
幾個轉念,家務新招 Household Tips involving a Change of Concept
碟子上的痕跡並非刮痕?為雪櫃門搽油?在地拖後放一塊白板?有時,做家務須要改變一些觀念,才會找到合適方案去解決常見問題。 The marks on the plate aren’t scratches? Apply oil to the fridge door? Put a whiteboard behind the mop? Sometimes, doing housework means changing your perspective to find the right solutions to common problems.
擺盆之道:點亮日常料理 Elevating Everyday Meals with Dish Presentation
一些簡單的擺盆技巧,可以將日常食品弄得像高級餐廳那麼好看。 Simple presentation techniques can elevate everyday meals into extraordinary dining experiences resembling high end restaurants.
我的菜園五月在種什麼?What Am I Growing in My Vegetable Garden in May?
五月菜園開始熱鬧起來,植物種類越來越多,也陸續有更多自家菜吃了! My vegetable garden is getting more and more lively in May. There is an increasing variety of plants and more homegrown veggies to enjoy!
一雞四味 One Chicken, Four Flavours
談談如何充分利用一隻全雞,創造出四種不同口味的菜餚。 Using a whole chicken to create four different dishes, making the most of food ingredients.
種植豆苗 Growing Pea Shoots
積累了幾年經驗,成功種植出粗壯的豆苗。用對了花盆,令我能種出適合香港人烹調方法的豆苗;把握好種植時期則延長了種植季節;運用豆苗的特性,更使得菜園的土壤更肥沃。 After accumulating several years of experience, I successfully grew robust pea shoots. Choosing the right pots enabled me to cultivate pea shoots suitable for Hong Kong-style cooking. Timing the planting season extended its duration, and utilising the characteristics of…