網誌 Blog
自家製堆肥 Homemade Compost
自己在家堆肥,能產出優良的土壤用來種菜。本文談談我用的兩種堆肥法——蚯蚓堆肥、高溫堆肥,以及堆肥為我帶來什麼好處。 Making your own compost is the key to cultivating good soil for growing vegetables. In this article, I talk about the composting methods i use - vermicomposting and hot composting - and the benefits I get from composting.
三個提升浴室風格的簡易DIY意念 Three Easy DIYs to Elevate Your Bathroom’s Style
浴室大翻新後,我用了一些簡單的DIY,把空間變得整潔又有型。 After a major renovation of the bathroom, I used some simple DIY techniques to make the space tidy and stylish.
魚肚美味無窮 The Endless Delight of Fish Maw
朋友在香港帶來魚肚給我做禮物,我用來做了不同菜色,在聚會中跟其他移英港人朋友分甘同味,或自己跟老公獨享。 A friend brought me some dried fish maw as a gift from Hong Kong. I used it to make various dishes, sharing them with other Hong Kong friends at gatherings, or just cozying up with my husband over a…
我的菜園四月在種什麼?What Am I Growing in My Vegetable Garden in April?
步入四月,春天正式來臨,我的菜園裏的植物越長越大,品種越來越多,更開始有不俗的收成呢! April’s here! Spring is officially in full swing. The plants in my vegetable garden are shooting up, varieties are multiplying, and I'm starting to see some pretty impressive harvests!
八寶鴨食譜 Eight Treasures Duck Recipe
在英國製作即使在香港都很少吃得到的八寶鴨。 Making Eight Treasure Duck in the UK, a dish seldom found even in Hong Kong.
舊廚具升級再造 Upcycling Old Pots and Pans
總不想隨便拋棄物件嗎?將保留下來的舊煲、舊鍋,都拿到花園進行升級再造吧! Don't like throwing away old pots and pans? Take them to the garden for upcycling!