網誌 Blog
DIY 賀壽 DIY Birthday Treats
作為一個「多功能老婆」,老公生日是我好好發揮DIY技能之時! As a ‘multi-functional wife’, my husband’s birthday is the perfect occasion for me to put my DIY skills to good use!
我的菜園三月在種什麼?What Am I Growing in My Vegetable Garden in March?
三月帶來溫和的天氣,我的菜園開始蓬勃生長,每一株植物都孕育著堅韌,期盼豐收。 March brings mild weather, and my vegetable garden begins to thrive. Each plant nurtures resilience, anticipating a bountiful harvest.
貓咪手作 Purr-fectly Crafty
這裏介紹幾個我喜歡的貓咪DIY項目,它們不僅滿足了貓咪的需要,還充分利用了舊物,將它們轉化成賞心悅目的創作品。 Here I share some of my favourite DIY projects for cats that not only cater to their needs but also make use of old items, turning them into delightful creations.
修補鑊蓋 Reviving the Lid of a Wok
鑊蓋破爛了,自己動手修補,既環保,又省錢,而且很有滿足感,一舉數得! Repairing a broken wok cover myself is not just good for the environment and my wallet but also gives me that extra dose of satisfaction - killing three birds with one stone!
用實物裝飾牆壁 Jazzing up Walls with Artefacts
用實物裝飾牆壁,如同在策展一個「人生閱歷畫廊」,每件藝術品都蘊含獨特故事。本文介紹四個意念。 Jazzing up walls with artefacts is like curating a "Life Experience Gallery." Each piece tells a unique story. This article displays four different ideas.
我的木工室 My Carpentry Workshop
我把 100 平方呎、黝暗的儲物室,增加了照明、工作枱、儲物架和膠地板,改造成我夢想的木工室。 I transformed a dark 100 sq ft storage room into my dream workshop, adding lighting, a workbench, storage and flooring.