網誌 Blog
用英國本地食材做香港湯羹 Making Hong Kong Soups with Ingredients in the UK
中湯材料不一定要去亞洲超市買,不少湯羹都可以用本地材料做得到,這裏介紹十款。 Don't feel limited to sourcing ingredients for Chinese soups solely from Asian supermarkets. You can make many Hong Kong style soups using locally available ingredients. Let me introduce ten ideas.
顏色編碼‧搬家變輕鬆 Simplifying House Moving with Colour Coding
一個有效率又色彩繽紛的搬家方法。 A colourful and efficient strategy for moving house.
補牆的故事 A Tale of Wall Repair
一個週末木工項目,不但實用,更讓我感激家族的傳統。 A weekend project turned into a rewarding journey of craftsmanship and gratitude for family traditions.
叉燒食譜Char Siu (Cantonese Barbecue Pork) Recipe
我製作叉燒的方法。 My Char Siu recipe.
橙的三個妙用 Three Fantastic Uses of Oranges
買了的橙不好吃,甚至變乾了,先不要丟掉,看看它還有什麼用途?Think twice before you throw away oranges if they taste bad or even turn dry.
從巴士站到慈善店的車厘茄苗 From Bus Stop to Charity Shop: Cherry Tomato Seedlings
我只種植一株車厘茄。去年我將多餘的蕃茄苗放在巴士站,一下子就被人領完!今年我將蕃茄苗送給慈善店,很受歡迎!一舉三得! I only grow one cherry tomato plant in my garden. Last year, I placed surplus seedlings at a bus stop, and they were quickly taken! This year, I donated tomato seedlings to a charity shop, and they were well-received!…